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Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2011

Membuat konten unik bahasa inggris tanpa software

Menulis artikel dalam bahasa asing seperti bahasa inggris menjadi kendala tersendiri bagi kita. Apalagi yang penguasaan grammar nya pas-pas an kayak saya pasti bakal gak rampung tu bahkan nulis untuk satu baris kalimat. Karena kepingin sekali blog dengan konten full bahasa inggris saya berusaha mencari cara agar tetap menggunakan artikel english tanpa harus paham grammar. Nah ternyata yang paling mudah ialah dengan jasa google translator. Kalian tulis dulu kalimat bahasa indonesia misalnya satu atau dua paragraf. Tapi ingat jangan sampai ada satu huruf pun yang salah karena hasil terjemahan tidak akan berubah. Contohnya : makan kalo salah ketik jadi makam maka terjemahan tetap dengan kata sebelumnya. Jadi perhatikan baik-baik semua kalimat sebelum anda terjemahkan.

Membuat konten unik bahasa inggris tanpa softwareLah terus bagaimana kalo gak ada ide buat nulis jangan kan bahasa inggris bahasa indonesia aja berantakan ? Itu mudah saja kita tinggal copy artikel milik orang lain atau dari web directory lalu pastekan ke notepad atau word. Selengkapnya bisa anda baca salah satu trik yang saya dapat dari bule (londo). Berikut cara membuat artikel anda jadi unik dan lolos dari copyscape hanya dengan google translator.

If you are a regular blogger, you must face unique content problem. It is very difficult to write everything from your experience. But you know success of a blog will depend on unique contents. Content is king. It also help you to get better traffic and ranking.

So, what we can do now?? Is here any tricks to made it?? Answer is, Yes! i have a tricks to made 100% unique content and it will pass copyscape. You can do this. To do this follow the instructions.

Step 1: Find out some high quality article with your keywords.
Step 2: Copy the articles and paste it in MS Word. Cut unwanted part of the article.
Step 3: Go to Google Translator.

Membuat konten unik bahasa inggris tanpa software

Step 4: Select English to Spanish language and then paste your article on it. Then Spanish to English.
Step 5: Now, English to French language.
Step 6: French to German.
Step 7: At last German to English.

Check the output article with original article. You will find huge change from the previous one. Now paste it in your blog. Copy the post url and put it to copyscape for checking unique content.

Sebagai contoh saya akan tunjukkan dua macam link hasil copas tanpa edit sama sekali dan copas kemudian di translate ke google translator. Link nya saya ambil dari sini sebagai bahan percobaan. Mari lihat simulasinya :

1. Ini merupakan screenshot gambar dari copyscape dimana hasil copas mulai dari judul dan isi artikel tidak ada yang dirubah satupun melalui situs ini dan anda bisa lihat gambar copyscape menunjukkan situs lain yang memiliki artikel sejenis dengan yang baru saja saya buat. Saat itu juga langsung kedetek sama copyscape canggih kan.

2. Sekarang kita akan coba menggunakan teknik dia atas, gimana hasilnya lihat gambar dibawah ini. Lolos dari copyscape. Aman dan bisa untuk artikel blog atau di submit ke web directory

Tulisan aslinya sebelum di translate :

"Make Money Online with PanelPlace

PanelPlace is the world’s 1st portal dedicated to help our members keep track of research panels they joined and keep them informed of those they have not joined. This way, our members will not miss out on any paid surveys and can maximize their earnings. So, this is the place we can make money online. Hoho..

PanelPlace is born from the valuable feedback from members of YourSay is an active pioneer in paid surveys established since 1997. With over a decade of experience, working with dozens of leading research companies globally and paying many of its over 400,000+ members worldwide, we believe we’re providing even more value to consumers and research companies worldwide with PanelPlace.

So, what do you think about PanelPlace? Did you think you can earn well from PanelPlace too? Its really different of free survey online. You can earn some money and voucher from this program and i’m glad if some of you try it. This is one of payment from someone who earn well from PanelPlace.

Actually, you can see more proof payment at their website. Just go here >> Payment Proof

By the way, i always try my best to search good free survey program on net. Seems like many trusted site was go alive and give us chance to make money. But for asian country like Malaysia, its really hard to get many program that can help us earn well thru survey online program. I just hope PanelPlace can do something better in future and we can earn well from this program. I hope.

You can go and try Panel Place here >>

Tulisan setelah di translate :

"Make money online with Review Panel

Panel Review is the first global portal for the support of our members pursue research panels together and keep them informed of those who have not joined. In this way our members do not miss any of the paid surveys and can maximize their profits. Therefore, this is the place where you can make money online. Hoho ..

Review panel comes from the invaluable help of members of YourSay established active pioneer in the paid surveys since 1997. With over a decade of experience working with dozens of the leading market research companies in the world and pay many of its more than 400,000 members worldwide +, we believe we offer more value to residential and business customer research around the world with a panel place.

So, think what you think of panel place? Do you think he can win panel also place well? It's really different than the free online survey. You can earn money and vouchers for this program and I am glad that some of you try. This is a payment from someone, place and win panel.

In fact, you can see proof of payment on its website. Just click here> Payment Proof>

By the way, I always do my best to find a good free survey program on the network. It seems that many trusted websites come alive and give us the opportunity to earn money. But Asian countries like Malaysia, it is really difficult, many programs that can help us to win is through the online survey program. I just hope you do panel, place better in the future and we can win, then this program. I hope so.

You can go and try to Place panel here>>

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